Friday, April 2, 2010

Cutest Thing

Okay, so I have been working diligently to not purchase cute stuff for my gardens. Why? Because I have more stuff than any one person, or family, should possibly have. I've decided to scrounge around my plot of earth for the remnants of things cast aside, the pieces of things broken, and any little thing that catches my fancy. What have I discovered? Chicken eggs. Yes, chicken eggs whole and in tact. Okay, so I can blow them out and collect them in a McCoy pot, done that. Obviously, we can eat them, done that. But what else? I also have in my collection of this and that a small pile of bamboo reeds. Guess what I created! A bamboo topiary. Now, picture it...I should take a picture...three bamboo reeds (18 in. long) stuffed into a window box (center) to form a teepee over Mexican Terragon. Grab the tops of the bamboo and bring them together to a point and then add a cracked egg shell on top to hold the points together. Too CUTE! Used a blue/green chicken egg and a brown chicken egg. I have had so many compliments on this new creation. I think, I shall make more. Happy scrounging and happy creating!